About admin
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But we are proud to say that admin contributed 25 entries already.
Entries by admin
Peer Victimization, Depressive Symptoms, and Substance Use: A Longitudinal Analysis
/in Blog/by adminBy Katie Tarantowicz It is no secret that bullying experiences in youth can affect people’s lives. They may lead to poor mental health, emotionally scaring people who are targeted by bullying. We’ve all experienced a few bullying assemblies in grade school where they teach us to “treat others how you would want to be treated” […]
Weight and race-based bullying: Health associations among urban adolescents
/in Homepage News, Blog/by adminWeight and race-based bullying: Health associations among urban adolescents By Julie Bender What did we already know? Since our first day of preschool, teachers have been pounding the same saying into our brains. My elementary school even had these words written in huge letters in the cafeteria: “Treat others the way you would like to […]
Intended responses to rape as functions of attitudes, attributions of fault, and emotions
/in Blog/by adminIntended responses to rape as functions of attitudes, attributions of fault, and emotions -By Jacque Buck We’ve all heard the stories – Brock Turner, Ben Roethlisberger, Bill Cosby. Sexual assault or rape cases covered and picked apart by the media that caused outrage throughout the nation. In response to publicized cases like these, it […]
The Impact of Stigma in Healthcare on People Living with Chronic Illnesses
/in Homepage News, Blog/by adminBy Carly Hill Over half of adults in the United States live with a chronic illness like diabetes or asthma. If you’re one of the lucky few that doesn’t have a chronic illness, odds are you know someone who does. You probably also know that adults with chronic illnesses usually spend a lot of time […]