Methadone Maintenance Treatment Stigma Mechanism Scale (MMT-SMS)

The MMT-SMS measures enacted stigma (experiences of discrimination from others in the past or present), anticipated stigma (expectations of experiencing discrimination from others in the future), and internalized stigma (endorsement and application of negative beliefs and feelings about people receiving methadone and applying them to the self) among people receiving methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). Enacted and anticipated stigma from family members, employers, and healthcare workers are measured. The scale may be adapted for persons experienced with other forms of medication-assisted therapy for opioid use disorders.


Chronic Illness Anticipated Stigma Scale (CIASS)

The Chronic Illness Anticipated Stigma Scale (CIASS) measures anticipated stigma (expectations of experiencing discrimination from others in the future) among people living with chronic illnesses. The CIASS differentiates between three sources of stigma within three subscales: friends and family, work colleagues, and healthcare workers.


Sexual Stigma Scale for Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer Women

The Sexual Stigma Scale measures experiences of perceived stigma (awareness of negative attitudes toward one’s group) and enacted stigma (experiences of discrimination from others in the past or present) among lesbian, bisexual, and queer women.


Substance Use Stigma Mechanisms Scale (SU-SMS)

The SU-SMS measures enacted stigma (experiences of discrimination from others in the past or present), anticipated stigma (expectations of experiencing discrimination from others in the future), and internalized stigma (endorsement and application of negative beliefs and feelings about people with substance use disorders and applying them to the self) among people living with substance use disorders.